Work At University of Colorado

Advertising | TV BRoadcasting | Event Capture

The Video Production department (UCCS Media Services)

The Video Production department (formerly known as Media Services) primarily creates videos for Marketing or outreach efforts and what projects they take on are determined by UCCS Marketing or the Advancement offices.

UCCS Video Production videos fall under these three categories: 

– Live sporting events or campus wide events (such as town halls or commencements)

– Advancement, Marketing, or Chancellor projects

– Academic online content projects (for use in their online class presence to standardize and provide higher quality videos to promote UCCS’s strategic online plan) 

Here I did a variety of things from overseeing and creating advertising and marketing videos, categorizing footage and editing, 2D graphical work, and even gear maintenance & repair

UCCS Sports Broadcasting

I worked almost 2 years on the UCCS Sports Broadcasting Crew where we set up and broadcasted/live-streamed UCCS’s sports games.

I often operated the Tricaster System or Live-Replay systems as well as the on field cameras.

Meeting the Mayor

While working on UCCS’s contribution to the Univeristy of Colorado’s “All Four:ONE” marketing campaign, I was priveldged enough to be the one chosen to get to work with John Suthers, the Mayor of Colorado Springs.

Echo Park Commercial : Production Assistant

Among many of the great opportunities that came with the job, I was also given an opportunity to work as Production Assistant on a commercial shoot for EchoPark Automotive.