Created as my Film Program Capstone Project, Deadly Diane was one of UCCS’s most ambitious student produced short films.
Written by Stephen Henderson, I co-directed and oversaw production and gear on set; and was responsible for most post-production from Editing & Visual Effects to original sound design.
The Bluffs is a student produced TV series made by COMM Digital Filmmaking students from the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs. Season 4 covers the story of a head in the cloud janitor, Jim, who dreams of being a screenwriter.
After overhearing a phone call that leads him to believe the world will be ending, goes through an existential crisis and rediscovers what is truly important to him.
Tasked with a shot-by-shot scene recreation, I created the shotlist for my DP, then acted as director, primary lighting tech/grip, and editor
I was responsible for breaking down the scene’s script into a shot list; then on set lighting, set design, and then the direction of the actors and a 10 person crew, and the editing.
While attending UCCS, I spent nearly 2 years employed in the Digital Filmmaking Program in Media Services
Here I did a variety of things from live TV broadcasting, to the capture and editing of live events, internal use video and even large scale commercial advertisements.